Current Learning and Development Trends in an Organisation

In a recent article Mr. Avesh Kumar Jha, Senior VP, Hinduja Global  Solutions, has stated some of the problems related to the shift of training to the digital platform, he mentions that the main challenges were to provide accessibility to the employees, to tackle their IT related issues and employees finding a workstation at home which can give them a disturbance free environment.

Next he mentioned the importance of training and development in these tough times and said it would keep their employees away from negativity and would help them acquire new knowledge in the spare time. This is possible because a majority of the employees are currently working from the comfort of their homes and thus they save time on commute which can be utilised in gaining knowledge.

Talking of the relevance of training, he says that it is important in the current situation for  
training to be in both the formats i.e in person as well as digitally. This step is significant because it has been observed that most of organisations have shifted towards remote working so a major part of the workforce would be working digitally.

He is also talking about the importance of empathy which comes under Emotional Quotient and being able to handle tasks in the digital environment which is a part of virtual quotient over IQ. It is said so because the time we live in is very dynamic and we need to deal with people of different kind and ideology that is why it is important to have high EQ so that one can step into others shoes and can make mature decisions. 
The second most important skill is having high VQ because of the advancement of technology and the mental barriers being broken that remote working reduces productivity.

Also being able to grasp what is being taught through digital platform is not merely concerned with the age of the employees but it is more related to the tech savviness which means how comfortable an employee is while handling gadgets.

He also advised that everyone needs to maintain an optimistic outlook towards the situation and has to build a feeling of trust towards their organisation and the same is expected from the organisation.

If the employees are uncertain about their position or they have any insecurity in their minds that would hamper their productivity and would eventually be a loss to the organisation and therefore trust plays a crucial role in the smooth functioning of the company.


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